Sunday, January 20, 2008

What do people do?

We were up late last night, drinking whiskey (well, I was drinking whiskey, anyway) and watching Saturday Night Live's rather disappointing "Best of Tracy Morgan" show, when it dawned on us that we were in a rut. We haven't really been doing much of interest lately, and our leisure time is increasingly spent on non-activities like, well, drinking whiskey and watching SNL re-runs. This is not the most constructive way to spend time, and for guys like us, with a history of depression, it can be outright destructive.

So we started trying to think of new activities to get involved with. We wanted something to do that's cheap, allows for flexible timing to work around other commitments, something that can be done alone or with a team, and something that can be done year round, regardless of the weather. We kicked around a few possibilities, but there were problems with all of them--we'd like to play more Dungeons and Dragons, but it's hard to get a crew together when everyone's got responsibilities. We'd like to spend more time outdoors, camping, hiking or fishing, but now's not really the season. I brought up knitting, but that wasn't seriously entertained (although I'm personally keeping it on the maybe pile).

It seemed like starting a blog was probably the best activity to satisfy all of our requirements, so here we are. We haven't got any particular theme for these postings--it's just whatever's on our minds when we're writing. We might talk about music, movies and video games, we might discuss free will and cognition, we might whine about our lives, and we might even find ourselves arguing about whether charts are better than sauce (they are). Basically, we're just going to get down on screen the stuff we talk about at home.

So. That's it for my first post. Is everyone as excited as I am? Glad to hear it.

Now playing: The Choir - It's Cold Outside
via FoxyTunes